Tuesday, February 05, 2008

In a nutshell...in no particular order

1. Minneapolis might actually be cheaper than Dallas believe it or not! I like how utilities are included...but parking is extra. Darnit.

2. Took a break from all this moving stuff ... saw the Giants defeat the Pats during the Superbowl. Yea Giants! I have never seen people so enthralled with commercials. It is definitely an advertiser's heaven...if only it didn't cost so much! Best commercial of the game...Pepsi, though the Audi one was pretty kickass too. Dumbest...SalesGenie.com - which makes it pretty good since I remember it...

3. Still on Season 2 of Lost...gotta catch up, but work gets in the way.

4. I've been pretty scatterbrained lately...hope it's not the old age kicking in.

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