Friday, February 08, 2008

I hate packing...and my Red River adventure

I really really hate it. You never realize how much you have until you have to stuff them in big brown boxes...then the boxes pile up and up and...I still have to disassemble my furniture. Fut. I should've hired packers - but I feel so silly with so little stuff for the "professionals".

Back to packing...*sigh*


So...we went to Cowboys Red River last night - my first country dancing bar. LMAO. Wow. I wish I had brought my camera!!! It was definitely a sight to see and glad that I went just for the experience. They had live country music, poker and crabs tables, a center bar console with dancers, a circle "board walk" around the center bar where people dance around on, one of those rodeo horse thingies and pool tables. Cowboys everywhere! Definitely the midwest here. My experience of Texas has just been completed. Now I'm ready to go :p

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