Monday, January 15, 2007

Winter Driving Phenomenon

G-d, I hate traffic, especially when there shouldn't be any. I don't understand. A little snow and a little ice and people start driving like they're new drivers. I mean come on, you'd think after 10-15-20 years of driving in Canadian winters, you'd expect people to be able to drive better than an 80 year old. Not only that - these drivers drive in ALL the lanes because they want to put DISTANCE between their cars and other cars. So here you have 10 cars spread along 10KM of highway going at 40KM/Hr. Then of course, they complain about us drivers, who have to get places without having to drive 1 hour that normally takes 20 minutes. Not to mention the fact that it's gas consuming (don't forget the heater to keep you warm from sitting at the same left turn lane for 30 minutes). So people who can't drive significantly increases inefficiency and pollution. I think that in order to get one's driving license, the person would need to go through a winter driving test. You can only really judge one's driving ability in the right environment after all...

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