Sunday, December 30, 2007

Xin nian, xin de kai shi

Xin nian kuai dao le. Ni ming nian xiang zuo shenme? Xian zai zai Dallas, you yi dian meng. Danshi, ye bu cuo. Zhu de, chi de, shenme dou pianyi. Bi Toronto pian duo le! Tian qi ye bi Toronto nuan ho. Qeshi...wo hai xiang ban dao New York hor zhe Chicago, hui dao jianada ye ke yi. Wo yao hao hao nu li zuo gong zuo - zheng qian! Tan lian ai de yi deng. Xian zai bu jue de yao jiao nan pen you - Wo hai nian qing...bu shi ma? ;)

Xian zai hen xi huan zhe shou ge...Shi Jasmin Leong de Ru Guo You Yi Tian.

Xiang zai ye zhi neng xin shang
Wei yi de he zhao yi zhang
Dan wang le de shi nei ge jie jiao
Xiang nian de shi dang shi de wei xiao
Shen huo zhong jiao cuo shi wang
Yue xiang nian jiu yue gu dan
Ruo zai bei ji muo ying tou gan shang
Duo gan shang yuan lai zhi shi zhen chang
Ni shi bu shi ye zai ping chang
Yi ge ren de ka fei he tian guang
Shi bu shi ye hu ran zha jue dao
Duo chu shi jian kan, tian se de bian huan

Ru guo you yi tian, wo men zai jian mian
Shi jian hui bu hui dao tui yi dian
Ye xu wo men dou bu yuan, hu xiang shang hai
Zhi wai de gan jue
Ru guo na yi tian, wo men dou fa xian
Hao ju hao sang bu guo shi zhong zhe yan
Ru guo wo men mei fa xian
Jiu gei bi ci duo yi dian shi jian

Shen huo zhong jiao cuo shi wang
Yue xiang nian jiu yue gu dan
Ruo zai ji muo ying tou gan shang
Duo gan shang yuan lai zhi shi zhen chang
Ni shi bu shi ye zai ping chang
Yi ge ren de ka fei he tian guang
Shi bu shi ye hu ran zha jue dao
Duo chu shi jian kan, tian se de bian huan

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Snowboarding Virgin

It is amazing. If you've never tried should!! Oh...and the pain? It's worth it - if you get the right board :) At the end of the day...2 extremely bruised knees, bruised left shin, bruised ass, bruised ankles, bruised right thumb and a very sore body.

The next day? I decided to hit the big slopes on my skis - can't let these wonderful hills go to waste! Guess this is the one of the few times pain is...good :o

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

On the 12th day of Christmas...

Since when did Christmas have 12 days??!! I am just glad that the ONE day is over. 12 adults, 6 kids and 1 dog later - I am exhausted and have major itis. I'll try and ski off the extra calories tomorrow....yes!

Happy Holidays everyone!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

System Integration at AT&T

Sux. Big time. I am VERY peeved at them right now since I won't be getting my BB 8310 until after the New Year. AT&T sucks - they really need to get a better collaboration tool so I don't have to waste yet another hour on the phone trying to figure out where the phone is and when it shipped, who it shipped with.........................

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Last Christmas I gave you my heart...But the very next day, you gave it away

Ah, Christmas. When I was young, it has always been about receiving gifts and eating yummy food. Now it's more about fighting for parking at the mall and scouring the mall for the perfect 'unique', 'personalized' gifts. I love online shopping by the way...

As kids, you don't really care about being 'alone'. Now with the holidays, sometimes it gets depressing. Here's to spiked eggnog and best friends who are always there no matter what.

For my Christmas present, I am getting the BlackBerry Curve 8310, which, to my dismay, I am still waiting for. I would have received it earlier had AT&T not screw up the order - they sent me the 8300 instead. Now I have to send that back and apparently when they said overnight delivery, they're lying. I am still waiting. My experience with customer service at AT&T leaves very little to be desired. I spent 1.5 hours on the phone being transferred and waiting. Then I had to wait for them to finish processing the order. I am not sure what system they are using, but it is very slow. They are in need of an upgrade - I will have to tell the Account Manager from my company to speak to the company. Unbelievable.

So what's the difference between the 8300 and the 8310 that I MUST switch it? Simple, the 8310 comes with a GPS, which if you know me...I need. There is also the 8320, which has WiFi capability. The 8300 doesn't come with GPS or WiFi, you can call it the basic model, although it still has great functions. I need the GPS. The new Google Maps is out and I can't wait to download it onto the new toy.

Leaving back to Toronto on Friday. Lets hope I don't get snowed in in Dallas again.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Watch out for falling ice

Chicago...the Windy City....kicked ass!! Went for the weekend and I am in love. The hustling and bustling, so many people...I felt so alive! Snow or no snow...I love the East Coast...and of course my beloved Toronto, I haven't forgotten about you!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Fruit Medley

I just have to say, who would've thought that dried fruit would be so fantastic for cooking?! YUM. Definitely my new fave ingredient.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Random Thoughts of TO and Stuff

It's been a little over a week since I got back to Dallas from American Thanksgiving - no, I didn't get turkey, that was done last month. I brought back from Toronto my Winter collection of clothes...well, what I could fit on my carry on anyway, which wasn't much. Oh...I also brought back the flu - fantastic. So much for the flu shot. I still haven't been able to kick it yet.

TO was awesome, so great to see everyone again. Met up with my mentor/advisor and we chatted about IT. If anyone had told me that I would be chatting to my advisor about IT a year ago I would've laughed. No way. But there I was at Schulich talking to Bill about CRM, BI and DW and the world of outsourcing. It was quite a motivating chat. Then I mosied on out back to the blizzard that had hit Toronto the night I arrived.

As I stood out in the cold Saturday night to get into this club, I wondered what it was that I missed about TO. The cold...not really. Waiting in line at a hip I think....I missed the vibrancy. The culture. The diversity of TO. Oh I missed the food too.

It appears that several of my friends had ended their relationships. I have to say, it's great Suffocation is a terrible way to die.

Back in Dallas.....I'm still a stranger.

I am in love with One Republic...and their song Apologize.

I'm holding on your rope
Got me ten feet off the ground
I'm hearin what you say but I just can't make a sound
You tell me that you need me
Then you go and cut me down, but wait
You tell me that you're sorry
Didn't think I'd turn around, and say...
It's too late to apologize, it's too late I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late
I'd take another chance, take a fall
Take a shot for you
And I need you like a heart needs a beat
But it's nothin new I loved you with a fire red-
Now it's turning blue, and you say... "Sorry" like the angel heaven let me think was you
But I'm afraid...
It's too late to apologize, it's too late I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, yeah
I'm holdin on your rope, got me ten feet off the ground...