Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Wipro Quo

So it seems that relocating to Connecticut may be out of the picture as I was set up to talk to a Senior Manager from Fort Lauderdale, which would not have been so bad if I were to relocate there (who doesn't want to live near the beach?) but it appears that he would like me to talk to a manager he is considering having me work under ... who so happens to be based in Memphis, Tennessee. Now I don't know much about Memphis, aside from the fact that the King was born there and the blues ruled, but I do know that moving to that part of the South is definitely not on my top list of places to relocate to.

So it appears that I have a dilemma, here I said I was flexible and adaptable in regards to relocation, so I must have to come up with a good reason why Memphis is at the bottom of my places to move to list and that I absolutely cannot live there - which is certain, as I would rather reject the job than accept it if it were to be in Memphis. So going through my list of reasons that would not convey that I am inflexible and unadaptable, I finally stumbled on some concrete "I don't want to move to Memphis" research that bypasses all others. Memphis is the second most dangerous metropolitan city in the US, right after - yep, you got it - Detroit. I think that is substantial enough. Me, a lone female, Asian (the lack of cultural diversity is not something to brag about), and miles from anyone that I know - the attraction and the safety of the city are definitely big minuses. How can I be productive in a city that I cannot live in and feel uncomfortable in? Especially after having lived in Toronto for all my life? If Wipro feels that this shows that I am not flexible and adaptable, well then I guess it is not the company that I would like to work for and it is better that we part ways now before I get sucked into the world of IT. One would think that a company of Wipro's size would be able to find a place where it would be mutually satisfactory - does not have to be my top three places to live, but the bottom 3? I am not looking for a place exactly like Toronto, but neither am I looking to be mugged, raped, shot or killed. Granted, that may be a big generalization, but when the US average for crimes is at 345 and Memphis more than doubles the average - at 937 - it's something to be concerned about. No income tax and low cost of living are attractive, but not enough to persuade me to start a life in Memphis. At least in Detroit, they have great sports teams - in Memphis -- the what? Nashville Predators? No thanks.

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