Sunday, May 20, 2007


So much have happened...

1. Raptors didn't make it pass the first round - but I thoroughly enjoyed the first two games. Whoever was in charge of the 'red sea' marketing for the Raps should get a spankin since red is what the Nets wore to the it seemed like we were cheering for them..........not good. They should be pretty good next year...

2. Suns didn't make it either, so that officially ended my basketball season. Nash played amazing, but there is only so much one man can do. He had an accident and started bleeding and didn't really make it back for the rest of the 4th period since the trainer couldn't stop the bleeding. At the end of the game, one of the commentators (I think it was SportsNet) said something to the point that "there must have been a woman in the stands with a sewing kit to help patch Nash up and stop the bleeding." EXCUSE me -- did we just take a step back from the 21st century?!. I don't know about you, but I sure as hell don't carry sewing kits with me in my purse. Perhaps a MAN carried one. Jackass. Anyhow, and another incident with the Suns -- 2 players got suspended (Stoddemire and Diaw) and the Organization (or whoever) said "It's not about being fair, it's about what is correct." I thought the point of having a rule or a law is to ensure fairness. I guess what is right may not be fair -- so what's the point of the law/rule?

3. So I got a job in the's yet to be decided where, but now I have to understand all this mumbo jumbo about declaring non-residency, the US-Can treaty tax and residency exemptions, how much tax should be paid, what exemptions I'm qualified for. So far I have spoken to a manager in Connecticut (3 and 5 per cent state tax) and will be speaking to another manager based in Florida (no State tax!) according to his area code, which I looked up. Seems to be in Fort Lauderdale. Amazing, how I said that I wanted to work in the States, be relocated somewhere might actually come true! And with the salary that I aimed for! It is much cheaper to live in FL than CT - it seems like I can get a pretty amazing 2 bdrm place in FL for the price of a studio in CT!! Still have to work things out with the bf though. But perhaps he'll feel better about FL than CT...better golf

4. I'm going to Varadero, Cuba!!! Sun, fun, beach...wowowowow. I've never been before and I was told that I should bring stuff for the people there since they are really poor and things are really expensive I will bring markers, crayons, coloured pencils and the like as well as soap and toothpaste. I can finally get rid of all the colouring stuff!

5. Corey went to his first dog park!! Here are the pictures :p

Corey, sniffing out the place...

Corey...checking things out...

Corey, making new friends -- sniffing Potroast...yes, that is his name...and that is a 5 month old Irish Setter.

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