Sunday, November 09, 2008

Book Review: Captivating

Title: Captivating
Author: John and Stasi Eldredge

This book is about unveiling the mystery of a woman's Christian soul.

I can't say that this was one of the best books that I've read. I can't even say that this book was a good read period. So first off, I don't recommend this book - whether you are Christian or not. Except maybe if you were beaten, raped or have really low self-confidence, then maybe (and that's a big maybe), this book might help.

Immediately, the book turned me off with ... "Every woman in her heart of hearts longs for three things: to be romanced, to play an irreplaceable role in a great adventure, and to unveil beauty." [page 8]. EVERY woman huh? This sentence is either too specific (and thus wrong) or too general (and thus worthless) - it can't be both, take your pick. What then continued to chagrin me is the continual referral to movies and fiction in order to prove "real" (non-fictitious) points. Talk about credibility.

It's not that I can't sympathize with the hardships that she's been through, and most of the book is based on women and their struggles and hardships...divorce, rape, relationship stress with family etc. She was very brave to share all that with her readers. I'm glad she was able to get over them, but if that's the basis of forming a relationship with god, then no thanks. However, much to my dismay, along the next several chapters, I came upon the following that really disturbed me.

"God says he will thwart our efforts to find life apart from him -- Therefore I will block her path with thornbushes; I will wall her in so that she cannot find her way; She will chase after her lovers but not catch them; she will look for them but not find them [Hos. 2:6-7]. He does this, as we said, in order to wear us out, get us to turn back to him in thirsty longing." [page 121]

God puts obstacles to wear us out...and when we have no where else to turn to, we pretty much have to turn to him - love him. Does that sound wrong or is it just me? That's like some psychopath who is in love with you (but not you with him); he kidnaps you, locks you up and breaks you down mentally to the point that in order to make it all stop, you fall in love with him beacause that is what he wants, because then the pain will stop. Scary. The authors also mentioned that god wants us to have a heart at rest (thus it is more inviting) and to have heart at rest, one must release fear. Well...taken from that passage above, fear is what drives one to love him is it not? Or is it desperation? Who is not fearful of being desperate though?

Moving on. What I can't stand is the generalization "most women" or "most of us"...I'm sorry, but until you've personally communicated with the 3+ billion women around the world, or even just half of the Christian women in this world, don't use that generalization. It makes one sound self centred at best and ignorant at worst.

I'm still trying to finish the book so I may add more critique, so go ahead and read it after what I've said...if you want :)


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