Saturday, January 05, 2008

Learned a new saying...'The Walk of Shame'

Woke up this morning in time to see someone doing the "Walk of Shame"...a term I recently learned

From Wikipedia...

The walk of shame refers to any phenomenon in which a person has to take a walk in front of strangers, the roommate of the person she or he slept with or peers for an embarrassing reason before reaching a place of privacy. Most commonly, it occurs the morning after a night out at a bar, Dance club or party. People undertaking the walk of shame are understood to have spent the night at the house, apartment, dorm of a sexual partner (or perceived sexual partner), particularly a one night stand. Due to this, he or she can be recognized by the fact that he or she is still wearing the clothes that he or she wore the night before, has disheveled "bed head" hair or "sex hair." A woman might have smudged makeup on her face, smell like cigarettes and/or booze, and may suffer from a hangover due to excessive alcohol or drug intake from the previous night.

For a man, the walk of shame is often concerned with whom he slept. For example, if his bedmate is a considerably undesirable female, the man might do a walk of shame. On the other hand, there is often regarded as being no walk of shame associated with sleeping with a very attractive partner; this is sometimes known as the "stride of pride." For a woman, on the other hand, the walk of shame has more to do with being caught after a night of sex than it has to do with the desirability of her partner. These differences likely reflect cultural views.

In North America, college and university campuses most often play host to the walk of shame, as these walks often happen when students travel to and from dorms and Fraternity and sorority houses. The walk may be made even more humiliating when students promenade through large open quads, often subjecting themselves to whistles and catcalls from the few fellow students who are awake at that hour.

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