Monday, May 26, 2008

My Encounter with Religion

"Whatever your plans or objectives may be, they'll be a butt for serious obstacles; don't get discouraged for that. Don't wrap yourself up, knowing that your relationships with your equals will improve your spirit and your heart. Don't wait for happiness to come to you, go out and seek it by enjoying each moment of your life. You'd be willing to follow a newly met person to the end of the world; nevertheless take time to reflect before engaging yourself; love is blind, as is said everywhere and forever."

So that was my hororscope for the day. Moving on now.

So I, who believe in Evolution, went to (an Evangelical) church for the first time. Now, it's not that I'm becoming more religious (like some of my friends) or that I'm feeling lost/confused (or whatever) and need "answers." Nothing deep like that - fortunately I am quite content with my life at the moment. I may be looking for something (aren't we all?) but it's probably not god. However, this religious encounter has made me revisit the idea of how we all came to be. Tough question. There is no definitive answer. Regardless of what we each believe in - Evolution or Religion - both requires an element of FAITH, which is commonly associated with Religion. Lets face it, evolution wouldn't be called the THEORY of Evolution if it was cut and dry.

Now, anti-religious people knock on the bible, saying that it is "sexist" (towards women), that war and violence are "justified" by the bible and it's teachings etc (there are many so called "flaws"). If god existed, then why does he allow this and that and what is up with this free will that's not really free? Now, this is not to say evolution isn't many decades have we been talking about the "Missing Link"? The link that "proves" that humans evolve from apes/monkeys? If evolution is in fact based on Darwinism - survival of the fittest, only the strong survive - then Hitler and Stalin wanting to weed the world of the "inferior race" is in fact practicing evolution. Scary thought isn't it? We "practice" survival of the fittest every day in our lives. As much as Religion causes war, so does Evolution.

So where does this leave me? Well. I have recently purchased a bible (New International Version) - this is not saying I'm becoming Christian or religious. I see it as a learning experience. I don't think I can ever accept that the Earth was only 5 days old before man "appeared on Earth" (I do believe in Carbon Dating), that we existed with dinosaurs, that good men and women will go to hell if they didn't believe in god and bad men and women can go to heaven if they repent. Of course, the caveat is that it's all subject to interpretation.

If there is a god...and if all non-believers go to hell...then I guess I'll be going to hell with a lot of my family and friends.

If there isn't a god...then...we are just part of the circle of life. Then there's the fact that I do believe in the spiritual realm...that there is a higher order of where does that fit in? Is it related to god?...who knows.

If you think about it...believing that there is a god, in kind of like buying life insurance (or any type of insurance really). You'll be protected - and you have to admit, it's a nice comforting thought. All you have to do is change the way you live...